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Piwigo - Install ExifTool

ExifTool is needed for plugins such as Write Metadata but it is not yet released for DSM 7. You can install it manually by following the steps below:

Installing Exiftool for DSM 7

  1. SSH into your Diskstation.
  2. Download the Image-ExifTool distribution from the ExifTool home page (the file you download should be named Image-ExifTool-12.40.tar.gz).
  3. Unpack the archive:
    cd <your download directory>
    gzip -dc Image-ExifTool-12.40.tar.gz | tar -xf -
  4. Copy needed files to `/usr/bin/:

    cp Image-ExifTool-12.40/exiftool /usr/bin/
    cp -r Image-ExifTool-12.40/lib /usr/bin/


    The only needed files are /exiftool and /lib/*

  5. Set permissions:

    chown -R http:http /usr/bin/exiftool
    chown -R http:http /usr/bin/exiftool/lib
    chmod -R 0770 /usr/bin/exiftool
    chmod -R 0770 /usr/bin/exiftool/lib

  6. Remove extra files:
    rm -r Image-ExifTool-12.40


By default, $PATH variable should already contains /usr/bin. If not, it should be added into /etc/profile

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